En esta isla de Cozumel, en un lugarsituado a pocos metros de este templo, se celebro la primera misa en territorionacional. La celebro el PadreJuan Diaz, Capellan de la expedicionque encabezaba el Capitan Don Juande Grijalva, el 6 de mayo de 1518. Para conmemorar este importantismosuceso, tan significativo parala nación Mexicana, a iniciativa de laAsamblea de Cuarto Grado de Caballerosde Colon Francisco de Montejo ydel Concejo de Caballeros de Colon numero2109, del mismo nombre. Se colocaesta lapida el 6 de mayo de 1951. English translation:On this island of Cozumel, a few meters from this temple, was held the first mass in what is now Mexico. It was celebrated by Father Juan Diaz, chaplain of the expedition headed by Captain Juan de Grijalva, on May 6, 1518. To commemorate this most important event, so significant to the Mexican nation, this stone is placed at the initiative of the Assembly of the Fourth Degree of Knights of Columbus "Francisco de Montejo" and the Council of the Knights of Columbus number 2109, of the same name. This stone is placed on May 6, 1951.
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